Information about 2010-2011 Free Movers Student Exchange Program....
  03 Ocak 2011

Students interested in spending one or two semesters abroad can enroll as Free-Movers (Fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students or Contract Students) at universities abroad. Free Movers may choose from the lectures of undergraduate courses of studies offered by the faculties, but mainly from the faculty where they will be enrolled. Free Movers have access to all facilities and services.

Under the Free-Mover Program, students have to meet the following requirements:

  • Must have completed 1 academic year (2 semesters) prior to going abroad
  • Have a minimum GPA of 2,2 at the time of application


Students will not receive any kind of grant allowance from the International Office.

Each application is evaluated on case-by-case basis, by the International Office. In order to apply, the student needs to submit a letter of motivation and current transcript. In the letter of motivation the student must state which university they would like to attend and the reasons that they would like to participate in the Free-Mover Program. As universities may have their own admission requirements, students must also meet these requirements.

The candidates for the Free-Movers Program  will have to directly contact the host University to request the programs and carry out the necessary enrolment procedures. The students are responsible for all their travel, board and accommodation expenses during their period abroad, as well as the university fees both abroad and at Erciyes University. The student is advised to take out health insurance coverage for the period spent abroad.

Credits will be transferred once the student full fills the appropriate courses and the recognition of the transcript will be processed upon return from abroad.

The following documents are required as a pre-application to the Free-Mover Program:

  • Application Form
  • Motivation Letter
  • Transcript
  • A copy of the application e-mail that was sent to an European university along with their response.

For the check-list of the required forms click here.