As one of the most innovative and research-oriented Turkish universities in education, Erciyes University values the internationalization strategy plan and aims to improve the quality of higher education and international profile. ErU’s main focus is to strengthen European dimension by innovating and developing in the areas of teaching/learning and research. By improving the transparency and academic qualifications, ErU develops plans for European co-operation in mobility/placement, curriculum development and thematic networks.

By ensuring high quality, having full recognition, certification, cooperation and non-discrimination by improving the quality and number of multilateral cooperation’s with enterprises, innovative practices, ICT based content, service and pedagogies, ErU will be able to develop the knowledge and understanding of diversity in European and non-European cultures and languages by participating in various Erasmus key actions. 

The commitment to internationalization requires an investment for the future as well as a long-term commitment to our students, staff, stakeholders and partners.

The Erasmus Coordination Office is responsible for developing a coherent strategy to promote international relations, global profile and international competitiveness. 

The policy objectives of ErU are:

-Integration of international joint programs into the current curricula,

-Promoting adult education programs and research projects around centralized actions.

-International collaborations in research and education,

-International educational experience for all level of students,

-Integration of international academic staff and students.

-Without any discrimination, making its staff and students participating in the program in a transparent and objective way.


Erciyes University's strategy for the implementation of the program will have the main basic principles, however new incentives and principles will be taken into consideration in the planning stages. Students and staff will be encouraged to participate in mobility programs not only for educational purposes, but also training purposes which will lead to the experience in new skills and possible new employment opportunities. Student groups will continue to have the opportunity to participate in volunteering activities and to participate in student group activities such as seminars and workshops. The program enables additional cooperation between educational institutions, student organizations, local authorities and training authorities as well as the stakeholders. The program will play an important role on the development of new educational policies not only locally, nationally but also worldwide (including European and non-European).

By participating in the Program, ErU’s modernisation strategy is as follows:


• Promoting excellence in teaching through curricula development toward joint degrees, teachers’ involvement in mobility activities, intensive programs and multilateral projects, modernisation of curricula to integrate new knowledge, innovative e-learning forms of study and multicultural issues. The learning options will be increased in order to enhance the social responsibility of higher education institutions as well as promote gender equality in all mobility programs.


•Continuing internationalization objectives by increasing student mobility to involve the completion of a period of studies/placements abroad and to encourage students’/ academic and administrative staff participation in intensive programs. By encouraging to be in the program, students and staff will also allow education to meet the current and future labor market needs based on a clear demand and involvement from employers.


•Increasing the internationalization at home by extending international education to students and teachers who are not able to participate in mobility, by providing them with access to curricula with international content, bringing them into academic contact with a growing number of incoming students.


•Linking theoretical and practical aspects in all areas of study by means of work-based learning programs, involvement of external institutions’ representatives in development and delivery of study programs (entrepreneurship in curricula).


•Promoting language diversity starting with the provision of access to courses of less popular languages for outgoing students and extensive Turkish course for incoming ones.


•Disseminating newly generated knowledge and project results, development of graduates’ career monitoring program with the aim to assess the effect of international studies.