It is a type of mobility in which students enrolled in a higher education institution with an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) that provides formal education in Turkey have the opportunity to become exchange students at another European country's ECHE-owned higher education institution for 1 or 2 (between 3-12 months) semesters within 1 academic year and receive financial support for their stay abroad as part of the program Dec.

!!CAUTION: This information belongs to the 2021 contract period and can be updated for different contract periods!

Click for detailed information about the Student Learning Mobility Activity ...

1. Student Learning Mobility:

The student Learning mobility activity is carried out within the framework of the existing inter-institutional agreements of ECHE and the Higher Education institution. The activity consists of the fact that a student enrolled in a higher education institution performs part of his/her education at a higher education institution abroad, which is partnered by an inter-institutional agreement.

The duration of the activity can be from 2 to 12 months (1, 2 or, according to the systems of some countries, 3 semesters), valid separately for each level of study. Dec. The level of education refers to associate/bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels.

The activity can be carried out in each classroom during the learning period.

Students who will participate in the activity must be students enrolled in a diploma program at a higher education institution. Students diploma/degree required to do the work abroad for one full academic year is 60 ECTS; two-semester Academic year, 30 ECTS per one semester and three-term academic year for a period of 20 ECTS credits corresponds to a program that are expected to be sent on to follow. Credits that are successful in the program followed are given full academic recognition; credits that are unsuccessful are repeated at the host institution.

2. The Status of Students who froze registration

Students who freeze their registration cannot perform learning mobility during the period when they freeze their registration. An application for study mobility can be made during the registration freeze period.

3.  Periods of Student Mobility

3.1. Minimum and Maximum Periods for a Single Activity

The activities are carried out in accordance with the minimum and maximum periods established by the European Commission.

The minimum period of study mobility is 2 full months or 1 trimester, and the maximum period is 12 full months.

The duration of the activity must be carried out without interruption. Semester breaks (semester holidays) and public holidays are not considered as interruptions in learning mobility. Dec.

In case of interruption of activity due to force majeure reasons, activities that cannot be completed within the minimum period are accepted, provided that the force majeure can be Decertified, and grants are given in exchange for the remaining period. Before an event or situation is considered a force majeure, the Center should be contacted.

In case of return of students before the completion of the minimum period, except for force majeure reasons, the activity is considered invalid and the grant is not paid.

If the sending and hosting higher education institutions deem it appropriate; Provided that the project ends before the end date, mobility can also be made in the fall semester following the spring semester in the study mobility. The mentioned mobility is registered as a single mobility in the Beneficiary Module (UN), and no grant is paid in the Decencies between the spring and fall semesters.

3.2. Total Activity Time Limit

The same learning stage of a student (Bachelor, Master, PhD), if you have made as Erasmus or Erasmus Mundus scholarship 2014-2020+ student mobility in the period of the new Erasmus+ period (2021-2027) in which student mobility period shall not exceed 12 months in total. Even if a grant is not granted, the total duration of student mobility activities carried out at the same level of education should not exceed 12 months.

At current tuition levels and complete training level of the student goes to a new learning (for example, when a completed Bachelor's degree and graduate studies began when new again for more than 12 months at the school level will be able to perform physical activity.

Thus, it is possible for the same person to perform physical mobility up to a maximum of 36 months, up to a maximum of 12 months at each level of education.

It is possible to carry out learning mobility activities in a way that includes internship activities to obtain professional experience (simultaneously or following). This activity, which also includes an internship, should last a minimum of 2 months and should be awarded through educational mobility.

In higher education programs where two levels are combined (such as an integrated doctorate) and 2 levels are completed in a single level (such as medical education), the total duration of activity is no more than 24 months.

4. Determination of Students who will participate in the Mobility

4.1. Student Selection

The students who will participate in the mobility are determined by the selection made by the higher education institution. The student selection calendar is determined by the higher education institution; it is announced that the election will be held and applications are received until the specified application deadline.

The selections are made separately for study and internship mobility. For each activity, student selection is carried out for the quotas determined in advance on the basis of the faculty / department, and the original and reserve quotas allocated for each department are indicated in the application announcement. If the announcement of the grant quota is made by the Center before the amount of the grant allocated to the higher education institution is certain, the quotas are announced as an estimate. The selection is made according to the ranking result of the students who have the highest score within the quota for each faculty/department. After the score ranking, the placements are made by taking into consideration the institution preference rankings of the students with high scores they want to settle in.

Students who are selected within the scope of a grant agreement but do not perform their activities within that agreement cannot be included in the scope of the next grant agreement on the grounds of “earned right”. Students are selected for each contract period in accordance with the selection conditions applicable during the relevant contract period and carry out their activities. Students who do not perform their activities during the term of the relevant contract should apply and be selected again if they want to benefit from the activity later. In case of returning before the completion of the minimum period due to force majeure, this rule does not apply. However, the activities of students who cannot perform their activities within the planned date December may be postponed to a later date within the same contract period.

4.2. Election Conditions and Documents Used in the Election

4.2.1. Minimum Requirements

In order to participate in the activity, students must first meet the following minimum requirements:

1. The student is a full-time student enrolled in a higher education program at any of the formal education levels (first, second or third level) within the higher education institution,

2. a) The cumulative academic grade point average of the first level students should be at least 2.20 / 4.00,

    b) 1- At least 2.20 / 4.00 of the associate degree graduation grade for students who have not yet completed a tran at the application stage; 2- At least 75/100 of the high school graduation grade for first-year students

    c) The cumulative academic grade point average of the second and third level students should be at least 2.50 / 4.00,

3. Having an ECTS credit load that is not sufficient for a sufficient number of courses or courses for learning mobility. For master's and doctoral students who do not have a course load, for example, those who have moved to the dissertation semester, a tuition agreement can be arranged based on a non-course workload of 30 ECTS in one academic semester.

4. If the student has benefited from higher education mobility activities in the 2014-2020 and/or 2021-2027 Erasmus+ semesters within the current level of education, the total duration of the new activity should not exceed 12 months.

4.2.2 Selection Criteria

Higher education institutions choose their students to participate in the learning activity according to the selection criteria determined by the Center. Student elections, among students who apply by providing minimum requirements for the Center, declared by considering the weighted evaluation criteria and scores points may be sorted from the highest down, and the preferred order/points/criteria is performed according to the budget.

 In addition to the average of academic achievement and language scores; previously in the same learning stage Erasmus+ (2014-2020 2021-2027 or) within the scope of the higher education student mobility Erasmus students benefited from the selection score when calculating for each activity previously used learning-regardless of internship) is applied to the subtraction of 10 points.

The evaluation criteria and weighted scores to be used in evaluating mobility applications are listed below:

Level of academic achievement


50% (out of a total of 100 points)

Language level


50% (out of a total of 100 points)

For the children of martyrs and veterans


+15 points

Disabled students (provided that the disability is documented)


+10 puan

Students whose rights have been decided to be protected, cared for or housed within the scope of the Social Services Law No. 2828


+10 points

Benefit from it before (with or without grant)


-10 points

Participation in mobility in the country of citizenship


-10 points

Failure to participate in the mobility without notifying the waiver during the period even if you have been selected for the mobility


-10 points

Applying for two types of mobility at the same time (reduction is applied to the type of mobility preferred by the student)


-10 points

For students who have been selected for mobility: Failure to attend meetings / trainings organized by the higher education institution regarding mobility without an excuse (applies if the student applies for Erasmus again)


-5 points

To declare that he will take the language exam and not to enter without an excuse (applied if the student applies to Erasmus again)


-5 points

Table-1 Selection Criteria and Weighted Score Table

The application of “-10 points” deduction in case of prior benefit is not applied for mobility activities performed at the previous level of education or other than higher education student mobility. It is applied if a student who has completed mobility applies again within the same level of education.

For students who were elected in a previous election period within the same level of education, but did not perform their activities without force majeure, a deduction of “-10 points” is applied for each activity for which the activity was not performed, despite being eligible. If the higher education institution allows a period of time for students to inform that they have given up by anticipating the abandonment and students inform that they have given up within this period, the deduction of points is not applied.

If the higher education institution makes the education choices within the same application and evaluation process; if a student who has not benefited from mobility before applies for both education and internship activities at the same time, it is left to the student's preference in which activity the “-10 point” deduction will be applied. In this case, a petition is received from the student in which activity he prefers to apply a reduction. If a student who has previously benefited from mobility applies for both education and internship activities at the same time, a “-20” point deduction is applied from the type of mobility he previously benefited from and a “-10” point deduction is applied from the second type of mobility he applied for.

Deductions are made based on the student's total score.

Students studying in a double major can apply for mobility from only one major during the same application period.

The ranking of students' scores is made within the relevant department / faculty according to the quotas allocated to the departments or faculties.

4.2.3 Note Cast

The student's grade point average must meet the minimum requirements at the application stage. The most recent tran taken by the student is used to determine the grade point average. Student participation (elections) current is based on the use of a tran issued by the institution of higher education, although the first period at the doctoral level graduate and higher education institutions the applicant and made the choice not yet received for previous students in tertiary education is a tran grade point is used. Similarly, the graduation grade obtained at the previous level of education is used for students who applied for the first semester at the undergraduate level and have not yet completed a tran at the higher education institution where the selection was made. For students who have transferred from another higher education institution by horizontal or vertical transfer and have not yet formed a grade point average in the higher education institution where the selection has been made, the grade point averages contained in the final tran they received from the higher education institution they came from are taken into account.

4.2.4 Foreign Language

Higher education institutions should establish a criterion for determining the level of a foreign language that is equally applicable to all students applying. At the application stage, all students should be asked for the same (or different) document / exam results, which are considered equivalent to each other, and these document / results should be taken into consideration.

The documents to be used in determining the foreign language level and the method to be applied are notified to the students during their application. If the higher education institution itself organizes an exam to determine the level of a foreign language, this exam should be conducted by professional institutions (units of the institution or other universities related to foreign language teaching, or special institutions affiliated with the Ministry of National Education). Erasmus corporate coordinator and Erasmus office employees cannot take part in any stage of the foreign language exam. In the evaluation of the exam results, the effect of the exam result, which determines the speaking level, if any, on the total foreign language exam result cannot be more than 25%. For detecting the level of foreign language higher education institution in the case of the examination regulations, the examination of Foreign Language Teaching unit related to examination results, the official correspondence of the list in the appendix of each page and signed/parafli to be approved and should be forwarded to the Erasmus office.

Higher education institutions cannot charge students for participation in the foreign language placement exams they organize. Because an institutional support grant is provided by the Center to support the costs related to the student selection process. To determine the number of students who can participate in the exam and examination regulations allocated for Labor, time and economic resources to avoid wastage of applying for higher education or students who have not attended the exam without a compelling reason to re-apply any activity within the scope of the event, the weighted score from selection “-5 points” can be reduced. In case of failure to participate in the foreign language exam without an excuse, the student may be recourse to the student for the expenses incurred for the student. In case of failure to participate in the foreign language exam without an excuse, “-5 points” can be deducted, this condition must be clearly stated in the exam announcement. If it is not specified in the announcement, the point deduction cannot be applied.

Foreign Language Barrage Application:

Within the framework of its own priorities, the higher education institution may determine a minimum foreign language level in the selection of students and may not send students who do not pass the minimum level (threshold).

The dam application can be applied in the following ways:

- Oral examination may be applied not to exceed 25% of the weight,

- A minimum grade threshold can be set from the written exam in order to take the oral exam,

- In order to be selected, a minimum grade threshold can be set in terms of the total foreign language exam result,

The level to be determined may be the same level throughout the institution, or it may be determined separately on the basis of faculties / departments.

 Which of the above methods is determined should be clearly stated in the application announcement, and the method specified in the application announcement should not be changed after receiving the applications.

4.3. Application Announcement

Inter-institutional agreements and quota numbers for student mobility are announced on the internet page of the higher education institution and on the bulletin boards of the relevant faculties.

 Without the presence of a common higher education institution (host institution) to which the student will be sent, students cannot be selected to participate in the mobility activity:

 The beginning of the applications is announced on the internet page of the higher education institution and on the bulletin boards and an application call is made.

It should be investigated which language students will study at the institution they go to and students should be informed about the language of education. In order for students not to encounter an unexpected situation when they go abroad for mobility, it is recommended to specify the educational languages of the institutions in the quota announcement.

4.4. Application

Applications of all students who want to apply to the program are accepted; no student can be prevented from applying. Fees cannot be charged from students under various names regarding the applications and selection of students. The applications of the students who apply are registered by the higher education institution and after the applications are completed, the “eligibility check” form is prepared and all applications are passed through this check.

In this form, which contains the eligibility requirements specified in the Application Manual, students who fall into the “ineligible” group are notified of their status in writing along with their reasons.

4.5. Election Decision

The selection of students must be made by a commission consisting of at least three principal and sufficient substitute members, appointed by the rectorate with an official appointment.

4.6. Announcement of Election Results

The election results are published on the bulletin boards of the departments and on the website of the higher education institution, including the scores received by all the students who applied in all the areas that were evaluated.


4.7. Contesting the Election Results

The higher education institution should determine and announce a formal process by which students who have objections to the election results can report their objections.

5. Post-Election Process

After the students are selected in their own higher education institutions, they must also receive admission from the institutions they will go to in order to be able to perform the activity. The higher education institution cannot be held responsible for the students' failure to receive admission after their applications.

Between the higher education institution with students selected for Erasmus+ grant student mobility for higher education contracts to be signed, by the higher education institution is prepared. The contract contains information about the student's expected activity period, the maximum amount of grants to be given to the student, the bank account to pay, the rights and obligations of the parties, and is signed by both parties before the start of the activity. The format of the contract to be signed is the format published by the European Commission and announced on the Center's website. Two copies of the signed contracts, one copy is kept in the higher education institution, the other copy is given to the student. Which is one of the October annexes to the contract. The Learning Agreement is regulated under the EWP. Information that must be filled out by higher education institutions in the contract (pay percentage, start and end date of activity, etc.) are completed in full and digitally, before the student signs. In no case can the student be made to sign a blank contract, the gaps cannot be filled manually after the student signs the contract. In case of need for changes, an October contract is signed with the student.

The students whose contracts are signed are paid within 30 days following the signing of the contract according to the maximum grant amount determined in the contract.

The student's departure procedures, the provision of a place to stay abroad, passport and visa procedures are the responsibility of the student. Jul.

6. Grant Support, Duration and Grant Calculations

6.1. Monthly/Daily Grant Amounts According to the Countries/Activities Visited

Grant support is provided to students to ensure that part of their expenses arising from being abroad are covered during the activity periods they spend abroad. The grants are not intended to cover all of the students' expenses related to the activity, but are only contributions.

The countries where student mobility activities can be carried out are divided into 3 groups according to their standard of living levels and monthly/daily tuition grants have been determined for the country groups.

 The country groups and the monthly /daily grant amounts to be given to the students who will go to these countries are shown in the tables below:

A) Student Mobility to Program Countries

Country Groups

Host Countries in Mobility

Monthly Grant Tuition (Euro)

1st and 2nd Group Program Countries

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Cyprus, Netherlands, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Greece


3. Group Program Countries

Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey


The table of individual support grant amounts to be applied when sending students to program countries is given below:

B) Additional Grant Support for Student Mobility

Additional Grant Support may be provided to disadvantaged participants in addition to the grant they deserve. In order to be able to grant the said grant, the disadvantaged participant is defined as an individual with limited economic and social opportunities and who fits into the following sub-categories.

 1) Those who are subject to the law numbered 2828 (by the Ministry of Family and Social Services,

(Those who have a decision on protection, care or housing in accordance with the law)

2) Students whose rights have been decided to be protected, cared for or housed within the scope of the Child Protection Law No. 5395

3) Those who are attached to the orphan pension

4) Children of martyrs / Veterans

5) The student disability pension or who are connected to the family (parents or guardian of the student municipalities, public institutions and organizations (ministries, social assistance and solidarity Foundations, the General Directorate of foundations, the Red Crescent, AFAD, the reference received financial support from institutions such as Erasmus during his time as proof that are required to be submitted.)

Credit and Dormitory Institution scholarships and similar scholarships, other grants, grants and scholarships in the nature of success scholarships, one-time grants are not accepted within the scope of this financial assistance.

Students who meet the above coverage will be provided with an Additional Grant Support of € 250 per Month for student mobility between 2-12 months depending on the type of mobility, provided that they Decertify their status upon request.

6.2. Duration and Grant Calculations

The exact duration of the activity is calculated according to the start-end dates of the activity contained in the participation certificate.

The grant to be given to the student is calculated using the “Beneficiary Module (BM)”.

Beneficiary Module (BM) The activity period calculated by entering the start-end dates and subtracting the downtime periods, if any, must meet the minimum period. For example, an activity calculated to last 1 month and 25 days in the study mobility is not accepted because it does not comply with the minimum activity period requirement, unless there is a force majeure reason that will oblige the student to return early.

 If the students who have been selected and have started their activities extend their activities, if there are sufficient grants in the relevant operating budget of the higher education institution, grants may be granted for the extended period of activity. In the event that the budget is not sufficient to cover the extension periods of all students who want an extension, the students who will be granted grants are determined in accordance with the principle of impartiality and transparency based on their success in the first selection. October grant agreements should be concluded with the students whose maximum grant amounts have been increased, indicating that the maximum grant amount has been increased.

7. Paying The Student

Students first payments, student of the grant agreement contained in the standard 70% and 100% and at a rate which will be determined by the higher education institution to be applied at the same rate for all students at a single time or 2 according to the ratio of the first payment in installments are made. Payments are made in euros.

The first payments are made within 30 calendar days after the signing of the contract by both parties.

In any case, the student is awarded a grant for the maximum period of his activity, provided that it does not exceed the amount specified in the grant agreement. If the student performs activities for a shorter period of time than the stipulated grant period, if the initial payment was paid more than calculated for the exact period of activity, the student is asked to refund the excess amount.

The maximum amount determined in the student's contract corresponds to the highest amount that can be given to the student. In case the activity period lasts shorter than expected, the total payment to be paid to the student remains below the maximum grant amount. However, in the event that the activity lasts longer than October and the grant to be given is more than the maximum amount specified in the contract, an additional contract containing the increase and its justification should be drawn up for the increase in the maximum grant amount.

Pay pay Pay October If the activity period of a student who has started his/her activity and has made a payment is extended as a grant, following the additional agreement signed with the student to increase the maximum amount of the grant, the student is paid to complete the maximum amount of the renewed grant to the amount determined according to the initial payment rate.

The duration of the students' activities is determined according to the start-end dates of the activities specified in the tuition agreement or in the participation documents if the document is separately arranged; in the usual case, October documents are not requested from the students. However, the document of the activity on the start-does not contain the actual date of end date, or the student, except official holidays, so under normal circumstances, the dates that need to continue learning at the host institution (city / country) is known explicitly, leaving in cases where additional research and the student have been seen to be done continuously for 7 (seven) calendar day (including weekends) for a period of more that is separated from the host institution if it is determined the total number of days of the stay separate for the grant in question is paid. If the payment has already been paid, a refund of the paid payment is requested.

8. Making Cuts in Grants

 The higher education institution makes a grant deduction in the following cases, provided that it is announced before the mobility and stipulated in the contract:

1)In Case of Failure: Grants of unsuccessful students are deducted proportionally to the failure, not less than 5%. The higher education institution should determine the amount and reasons for the deduction to be made due to the failure in advance, announce it to the students who will participate in the mobility, it should be stipulated in the grant agreement to be signed with the student and apply the same deduction amount for the same situations in accordance with the principles of equality and transparency.

2) Failure to Fill out the Participant Questionnaire: Except for technical reasons, students who do not fill out the participant questionnaire are deducted in the amount of 20% of the total final grant. All deductions are made based on the number of activity days performed, the number of deduction days is entered in the relevant section in the Beneficiary Module and the reasons for deduction are written in the explanation section.

8.1 Full Refund of the Paid Grant:

If the documents proving participation in the mobility (participation certificate or post-return tran (ToR), which can replace it) are not submitted, the mobility is considered invalid and the grant is not paid to the student; the grant paid at the beginning is collected.

9. Academic Recognition

The institution of higher education is obliged to provide full recognition to the period of study spent abroad.

The course program defined before the start of the learning activity becomes binding for all parties by signing the Learning Agreement for Studies online via the EWP-OLA platform by all parties. For various reasons, changes to the tuition agreement must be made no later than 4 – 7 weeks after the start of the academic semester at the higher education institution and must be approved no later than 2 weeks after the parties to the agreement request changes.

The sending higher education institution guarantees that full recognition will be provided if the student succeeds in the courses specified in the tuition agreement. In order to guarantee academic recognition, the student will leave the course to be followed abroad before (courses in the learning agreement), as a student, which is deemed to correspond to the lessons in the program, showing how department/faculty/Institute Board of directors or the decision of the Senate should be taken in case of any change in the curriculum to be followed, the decision should be updated.

10. Online Language Support (OLS)

 10.1. Scope of Online Language Support

An Online Language Support system is offered by the European Commission for students who will benefit from student mobility activities in higher education.

 Online language support, German, French, Dutch, Italian, English, Spanish, Czech, Danish (Danish language), Greek, Polish (Polish language), Portuguese, Swedish, Bulgarian, Finnish, Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovak, Irish, Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovenian and Maltese languages are offered. Students who will carry out their overseas mobility activities in these languages are subject to this system. However, online language support is not applied for students whose native language is the language in which they will perform activities among students who will perform activities in these languages. Dec.

Online language support includes exams that students are required to take and optional online language course support.

10.2 Compulsory Exams

 Students who have been selected to carry out learning mobility take two exams through the OLS system, one before starting their activities and one separately after completing their activities. Participants who take C2 from the first exam are not required to take the second exam.

 The exam is conducted in the language in which the student will perform the learning activity at the institution to which he goes. Students who perform more than one activity, even if the activities follow each other, also take the OLS exam for each activity.

 The exams do not affect the students' eligibility status. The exams conducted before and after the activity are conducted in order to observe the change in the language proficiency of the student during the activities. OLS exams cannot be used as a means of selection for mobility.

The exam results can only be viewed by the student and the higher education institution that sent the student.

10.3 Optional Language Courses

After taking the language exam, students can attend online language courses depending on their wishes before starting their activities, if they find themselves inadequate according to the exam results or on the recommendation of higher education institutions.

German, English, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch and Portuguese languages and B2 on the exam and the result of the exam; Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Greek, Croatian, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Slovak, Finnish and Swedish languages and the B1 exam and the result of the exam, depending on the wishes of the students on the language of the country they go to online language courses can benefit from. The course assignment to these students is again made by the higher education institution. The online language courses that become active at the beginning of the mobility can be continued for two more months after the end of the mobility, up to a maximum of 13 months.

10.4. Participation in Online Language Exams and Course

The ability of students to participate in exams and language courses is provided by higher education institutions.

Language examination and language course rights (licenses) are defined by the Center to all higher education institutions that will perform student mobility at the beginning of the contract period, through the OLS system, in accordance with their mobility capacity. The licenses are given to the higher education institution as a total number without distinction of language. The higher education institution decides how many licenses to use in which language according to its own needs.

The higher education institution defines the exam rights allocated to it for the students who will perform activities in that language for each language through the OLS system. It also defines the course licenses for the students who will take the course.

Licensing procedures for students are made possible by entering students' e-mail addresses into the system. Students take their exams and courses via the web page link sent to their e-mail addresses.

11. Extension of the Activity Period

 If the student requests an extension of the activity period, his/ her request is evaluated by the Erasmus office and the student's faculty / department officials. Depending on the approval of the institution and the academic status of the student, it is possible to extend the period, but it is not mandatory. For the extension of the period, the following conditions must be met:

1. In order to extend the period, the request must be submitted no later than 1 month before the originally planned mobility end date. In case the request is accepted by all parties, changes should be made to the grant agreement and all necessary procedures regarding the extension of the period should be completed.

2. The extended period cannot be extended after the end date of the contract signed between the Center and the higher education institution. Dec.

3. If there is an increase in the maximum grant amount specified in the contract signed with the student, October contract should be made with the student in this case.

In the event that students extend their activities, if there are sufficient grants in the relevant operating budget of the higher education institution, grants may be granted for the extended period of activity. In the event that the budget is not sufficient to cover the extension periods of all students who want an extension, the students who will be granted grants are determined in accordance with the principle of impartiality and transparency based on their success in the first selection.

12. Returning Before the Completion of the Planned Activity Period

If students return early from the planned mobility activity, there are the following possibilities:

1. If the minimum period specified in this manual for the type of mobility is completed, but the student returns early from the planned activity period, the amount of the grant is given to the student in exchange for the period of the student's stay abroad. If more than the grant calculated for the remaining time has been paid, a refund of the excess amount is requested.

2. If the mobility is returned before the minimum periods specified in this manual have been completed, the grant payment will not be paid for this mobility. However, the Beneficiary Module (BM) is entered for this student. Payments made (including travel, if any) will be refunded.

3. Force majeure14 If the minimum periods specified in this manual are returned from the mobility before completion, the student pays the grant for the actual period of stay abroad.

13. Decommissioning of the Activity Period

 In the event that the student is forced to return due to a personal force majeure without ensuring the minimum period of activity, the student has the opportunity to repeat his activity, provided that the following conditions are met:

1. The new activity must be of the same type as the activity that cannot be completed.

2. A new learning agreement must be signed.

3. The incomplete period and the period given for compensation should be reported separately.

 If a student who stays longer than the minimum activity period is forced to return due to a personal force majeure, the student is not given the opportunity to go again to compensate for the activity that he could not complete.

Force majeure affecting the general reasons (COVID-19, the presence of a natural disaster in the destination region, a strike, etc.) the National Agency and the European Commission make a general assessment of the situation of students who return before completing the prescribed period of activity due to this and make a decision that will be implemented collectively and make an announcement.

14. Departure to the Country of Citizenship

 It is possible for a student who is a citizen of one of the Program Countries and residing in Turkey to go to the country where he is a citizen through mobility activities; however, during the evaluation process, these students are assigned to III of this Manual.4.2.2. In accordance with the article, low priority is given.

15. Using Electronic Documents

The grant agreement signed by the student and the higher education institution must be signed wet. The Learning Agreement is arranged through the EWP/OLA platform. For documents other than this, students are asked to submit original wet signed documents first. However, when wet-signed documents cannot be provided, the documents to be sure it was real (e.g., presented by the student, although the officials of the partner institution to be confirmed by documents that are sent directly by the partner institution or wet) signed (without copy and electronic formats, such as JPEG, pdf) is considered.

16. Status of Being a Student Without a Grant (with a Grant of “0”)

Students can participate in activities without receiving a grant if they wish. Non-grant students are also subjected to a general assessment along with other applications and go through the same process as grant students. The difference of a student without a grant is that the student is not included in the budget calculations and is not paid for himself. Failure to receive a grant is not a reason for the student not to participate in the selection process.

After the students are selected according to the evaluation criteria and their weights, if there is a quota that cannot be supported financially within the budget allocated to the higher education institution, an assessment can also be made among the students who want to go without a grant. Dec. Here, in accordance with the rules of impartiality and transparency, the selection of students is carried out taking into account the general evaluation criteria and weights.

After he left hibesiz as students of Higher Education Institutions, Institutional Support Grants and additional resources for students, such as transfer from hibesiz hibelendirme finding reasons if it decides to successfully hibelendirme by considering the sequence might make the decision to allocate a grant to be applied equally to all students may take hibesiz. In both cases, the decision to allocate grants must be registered by the electoral Commission. In order for the relevant amendment to enter into force, the grant agreement must be revised or October agreement made at the earliest possible date, but in any case before the completion of the student's activity. This revised / October agreement can be made through the contract signed and scanned by the student, provided that the wet signed document is received later.

 An increase in grants cannot be realized after the activity is completed.

 At each level of education, mobility cannot be carried out for more than 12 months, even without a grant.

17. Academic Fees

 The higher education institution, which is a guest, cannot charge any academic fee to the student who comes within the scope of Erasmus+. Academic fee includes tuition fee, registration fee, exam fee, laboratory fee and library fee. However, the insurance, residence permit, discount travel card, copies of academic materials, laboratory products, such as the use of various materials necessary for the use of students of higher education institution on how to pay the fees if it makes the same amount will be charged.

Students continue to pay the tuition/tuition fees they normally pay, if any, by enrolling in their own higher education institutions during their activities abroad.

18. National Grants and Scholarships

The higher education institution is obliged to ensure the continuation of the higher education scholarships and loans that students participating in the mobility activity have already received during the period of their activities abroad Jul. This acquisition cannot be terminated, interrupted or reduced during the student's study abroad activity.

 Higher education institutions cannot limit the right of students who meet the national scholarship or loan application requirements to benefit from the Erasmus+ grant. Students who have not earned the right to apply for national scholarships or loans can also apply for an Erasmus+ grant.

19. Insurance Obligations

Students participating in the activities are required to take out their compulsory insurance according to the relevant types of activities. The higher education institution checks that the insurances have been made and makes sure that they have been made. Which insurances are compulsory are specified in the student agreement.



· After being selected as an Erasmus student, students should be in contact with the Erasmus representatives in their departments and the Erasmus Specialist in the Erasmus Coordination Office / Erasmus Office. The Erasmus representative of the department will be the academic advisors of the students during the exchange process. Erasmus specialists at the Erasmus Office / Erasmus Coordination Office will support students in administrative matters.

* Communication with students by e-mail, web page ( / ) and the KION system they used during the application ( ) will be done through. Students are required to check e-mails, the Erasmus web page and the KION system frequently.


· After the final list of students to go is published on the web page of the Foreign Relations Office / Erasmus Coordination Office, Erasmus experts send an e-mail to the corresponding universities containing the academic and contact information of the students via the system (nomination). After the nomination, the relevant experts send an information e-mail to their students. After this official notification is made, the student can also correspond directly with the opposite institution

· After the nomination notification, the university to be the guest is expected to send an e-mail informing the students about the application process (application).


Students who are eligible to attend will not hand over documents to the specialist at the Erasmus Office / Erasmus Coordination Office, and all documents will be uploaded to the system (KION). The documents to be prepared by the students are listed below.

* Application Form (if any): The application documents to be sent to the students after the nomination are one of the application documents listed in the information e-mail. If the university you are going to requests different documents along with the Application form (CV, Letter of intent, accommodation form, copy of passport, etc.) you should also prepare those documents and upload them to the system as a single PDF document along with the Application Form. It should be noted that the signature sections have been completed (signature of the Erasmus Representative of the Department, signature of the student, signature of the Institution Coordinator, if any). You can ensure that the fields such as the signature of the Institution Coordinator and the seal (if any) are completed by contacting the relevant specialist in the office. If the university you are going to does not offer you an Application Form, you do not have to upload any form to the system.

* Learning Agreement: The application documents to be sent to the students after the nomination are one of the application documents listed in the information e-mail (to be signed by the Department representative). After preparing the Learning Agreement form, you must complete the necessary signatures and upload them by scanning them to the relevant field (Learning Agreement) in the KION system. When preparing the Learning Agreement document, both the courses you will take from the opposite institution and the corresponding courses at ERU should have ECTS credits in December 28-32 (It is not expected that the two areas will be equal).  The relevant expert will approve the document after checking it, or he will not approve it by specifying the reason again through the system and will ask you to upload it again. (If the Learning Agreement has the signature of the Institution Coordinator, please contact your relevant specialist.) Students should carefully review the information package and/or web page from the university they are going to. They should obtain information on topics such as the academic calendar, the language of instruction, accommodation facilities, the list of courses offered and ECTS credits. In case the course list and ECTS credits are not available, students can obtain information by direct correspondence with the institution to be hosted. Students should determine the courses to be taken at the institution to be hosted by meeting with department Erasmus representatives in order to fill out the relevant documents.

* Academic Recognition Form and Faculty Board Decision: You must obtain it from the website of Erciyes University, the Directorate of Foreign Relations / Erasmus Coordinator and prepare it in 2 copies. It will be signed by the department representative and faculty coordinator. After the signatures are completed, this document should be uploaded to the KION system, and the other copy should be forwarded to the department secretariat for passing the Faculty Board Decision. It is your responsibility to follow the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. When a decision is made, the Faculties transmit the decision to our Coordination Office via the e-document system. When preparing the academic recognition form, both the courses you will take from the opposite institution and the corresponding courses at ERU should have ECTS credits in the range December 28-32 (The two areas are not expected to be equal). 

* English Tran: It should be obtained from the student information system of our university and uploaded to the relevant field in the KION system. There is no wet signature requirement.

* Other: Students who are under the age of 25 from the students who will go to universities who want a copy of their passport during the application can apply for a passport directly via e-government. those over the age of 25[1] should contact the relevant specialists by filling out the “Tuition-free Passport Petition” on the web page of the Foreign Relations Office / Erasmus Coordinator. If passport information is not requested during the application, it is recommended to start passport procedures after the invitation letter.


It is the responsibility of the student to prepare the documents requested by the opposite institution, complete the necessary signatures, upload them to the KION system and send them to the opposite institution (online system, e-mail or mail). The experts under the coordination of Erasmus do not send student documents to the opposite institutions. (Some institutions may ask the offices to submit documents. In this case, you can contact your relevant specialist and arrange for it to be sent.)


· After sending the documents, an invitation / acceptance letter arranged on behalf of the student is expected from the opposite university. It may take some time for this letter to arrive, its follow-up belongs to the student.

· After receiving the invitation letter from the opposite institution, students should upload this letter to the relevant field in the system.

* Students cannot apply for a visa without an invitation / acceptance letter. Some consulates require a wet signature and sealed original of this letter, while others accept fax or e-mail printouts. The fact that the student learns about this in advance from the relevant consulate and makes his preparation accordingly will ensure the healthy progress of the visa process.

[1] Students who have reached the age of 25 to obtain a tuition-free passport can fill out a tuition-free passport petition (available from the forms and documents tab on our website) and apply to our office. 

Students who have not exceeded the age of 25 are required to go to the Police Department by obtaining a student certificate from the "e-devlet (e-goverment)" system and apply for a passport. When going to the Police Department, deposit the cost of 2 biometric photos and passport books to one of the contracted banks and take the receipt with you.


· You should contact the consulate of the country you are going to and find out what documents are required to obtain a visa. Visa processing and documents, travel details, ticket transactions are the responsibility of the student.

* Health insurance is required for the visa. For this, various companies and banks in Turkey give different prices. The content of the insurance requested by the consulate for the visa should be thoroughly understood and research should be carried out accordingly. In addition, everyone who is employed with the social insurance Social Security General Directorate of foreign operations AT11 document can be obtained from the Office of named Students for training in countries with a social security agreement with Turkey in a time where they were in Turkey refers to continuity of health care from the health services in these countries and these countries in the context of health policies allows you to benefit (excluding external examinations). Students are required to research this topic from SSI.

· Before applying for a visa, a “Confirmation Letter”, i.e. a financial support letter, confirming that the student is an Erasmus student with a grant, is received from the Erasmus Office / Erasmus Coordination Office. After the student uploads the Admission Document to the system, the relevant document is prepared by your specialist and uploaded to the KION system. The student can use the document by taking the output from the system. (If consulates request a wet signed document, you should contact your relevant specialist.)

· For more information about visa applications


For students who will benefit from Erasmus mobility, the European Commission offers the Online Linguistic Support (OLS) system. Two exams are held, one before departure and the other after returning, and are conducted to observe the change in students' language proficiency during the activity. Both exams are mandatory. (Unless otherwise requested, the language exam is defined in English.) In order for the student to receive the first grant payment, pay OLS 1. It is imperative that he has completed the exam.



· After receiving the student visa, he opens a Euro account in his own name. The account must be opened at Ziraat Bank.

· After the student has opened an account, a contract is signed between the student and the Foreign Relations Office / Erasmus Coordinator Dec. Details about the contract process will be shared by the relevant experts.

· After the student submits the forms required for paying the grant to the Erasmus Coordinator / Directorate of Foreign Relations, 70% of the total grant he / she must receive is paid into the Euro account he/she has announced as the first payment.


· In the courses you will take at the university you are going to; the course is not open, the quota is full, etc. if you need to make changes for reasons, you must first obtain approval from your Erasmus representative in the section here. After receiving approval, you must fill out the Learning Agreement Amendment Page and have it signed by the other institution, and then send it sealed and signed to your department Erasmus representative by e-mail or mail. After the signatures of the document in the section are completed, the document must be uploaded to the KION system. During this change, it should be noted that the total ECTS credit is maintained as 30 (+/-2) credits. It is the student's responsibility to follow this process. In the same way, the Academic Recognition form should also be renewed. The updated Academic Recognition Form must pass through the board of directors of the relevant faculty and a copy of the decision must be forwarded to the Erasmus Coordination Office / Directorate of Foreign Relations. For this reason, it is the responsibility of the students to upload the renewed Academic Recognition Form to the system and to make a Decision of the Faculty Administrative Board.

NOTE: Students deposit the tuition fee they are obliged to pay to our university, if any, during the registration renewal period. They do not pay any academic registration fees to the university they are going to. They do not register for courses at our university and do this after their Erasmus mobility is over and they return.



After completing their mobility, students should upload the following documents to the KION system. Returning students will not submit documents to the specialist at the Foreign Relations Office / Erasmus Coordinator, all documents will be sent via the system. The return documents are listed below;

* Tran of Records (English Tran): It is prepared by the institution where you are a guest, the courses you have taken should be included in the grade equivalent.  It should be signed and, if possible, sealed. It should be scanned and uploaded to the relevant field in the system.

* Certificate of Attendance: It is a certificate indicating the dates of your participation in the Erasmus program, and it should be prepared by the institution where you are a guest, signed and sealed if possible. It should be scanned and uploaded to the relevant field in the system.

* Adjustment Report: The student makes the adjustment through the OBISIS system with the tran document he/she receives from the opposite institution. (Details on the subject should be discussed with the ErU Student Affairs Department). 2 Copies of the adjustment report are printed out and signed by the members of the Commission. If there is no representative of the Erasmus Department among the commission members, this person is also provided to sign the document. Dec. A copy of the document with completed signatures must be scanned and uploaded to the relevant field in the KION system. The other copy should be forwarded to the department secretariat in order to pass the decision of the Faculty Board. It is your responsibility to follow the decision of the Faculty Administrative Board. When a decision is made, the Faculties transmit the decision to our Coordination Office via the e-document system.

* OLS Exam: 2 of the exam that is automatically assigned to students via the system. the stage must be completed. 

* Online Report Form: It is an online report related to the activity, the student receives an invitation email for an online report from the Mobility Tool system (European Commission Mobility Management Tool) based on the date of return and must fill out this report within the specified time. The remaining 30% of the students who do not fill out the report cannot be paid.

Documents That Must Be Prepared Before DepartureWho Prepares This Information?How Many Copies Are Prepared?
Learning Agreement for InternshipsDepartment Erasmus representative and student2 copies
Internship Academic Recognition CertificateDepartment Erasmus representative and student2 copies
English TranStudent affairs1 copy
Copy of passportStudent1 copy
Confirmation letterErasmus Coordination Office1 copy
October IV Document of the ConventionStudent2 copies
The contract between the university and the internship student The contract for the students who will do the internship within the scope of the consortium (Consult the Internship Specialist) Dec.Student2 copies
Photocopy of the visaStudent1 copy
Decision of the Faculty Administrative BoardStudent - Faculty Management1 copy
Health insuranceStudent1 copy

The document to be obtained from the International Office before applying for a passport and visa
NOTE:Passport and visa procedures should be applied after receiving an "invitation letter" from the host institution.
1Petition for a Fee-Free Student Passport: Before starting the visa procedures, if you do not have a passport, take it out, and if there is, check whether the duration is sufficient. Issuing a Fee-Free Student Passport Students over the age of 25 must apply to the Erasmus Coordinatorship in advance with a petition. Click for the petition.
2Confirmation Letter: After receiving the Acceptance Document, the student can request the Confirmation Letter (an official document confirming that you will receive an Erasmus grant) from the Erasmus Coordinator before applying for the visa. This document confirms that you are an Erasmus student and will receive a grant. After receiving your Acceptance Letter and Confirmation Document and completing the other documents required by the relevant consulate, immediately apply to the relevant consulate for a visa.

Documents to be brought on returnWho prepares these documents?How many copies are prepared?
1Evaluation Report (Performance Evaluation)Guest owned institution1 copy
2The "After the mobility" part of the Learning Agreement For Traineeships.Guest owned institution1 copy
3Certificate of Attendance(Katılım Sertifikası) (Örnektir!!!)Guest owned institution1 copy
4Internship Student Report Form (will be filled online.)Student1 copy
5ECTS Grade Conversion CertificateStudent-Department representative2 copies
6Related Board of Directors DecisionDepartment representative - Faculty administrative board1 copy